
An RPG Maker 2003 game that I started to make back in 2021.

Development RPG Maker 2003 version of Chienne is effectively halted, as I'm currently in the midst of remaking
it in RPG Maker VX Ace from the ground up. I'm doing this so that I can maintain a consistent vision of what I
want the game to be like, as my whole development process for the 2003 version was all over the place.

This page is here to share what I've made so far, because I feel like it'd be a waste to just leave it all
behind. I'm considering releasing the current build on at some point, however I feel as if it could use
a lot of quality of life changes to make all of its contents accessible.

"The world did not end in 2016. No, far worse."

You assume control of a canine who goes by the name 'Chili', exploring a world changed completely by outside
forces, working under the employ of a mysterious being that hold sway over the dreams of all living things.

An anthromorphic canine.

hey wait... this page isn't linked anywhere because it's not done yet, buzz off for now!